Who I Am

Right now, you are wondering, Who is this girl? Why am I on her blog? Wait, how did I even get here?

I ask myself that last question every day: how did I get here? Where am I going?

Unfortunately, you and I are both asking the right questions, just at the wrong time. So let’s start by trying to conquer something more basic: What am I?

Singer/song-writer; photographer; traveler; bookworm; aspiring anthropologist.

I am a collection of nouns and adjectives, floating through the web of bodies strung together by the ever-present spider that is socia media.

I am an observer; an intellectual striving to share my experiences with the world.

We are all walking, breathing configurations of muscle, tissue, blood and organs. But what separates us from other animals is our sentience. We are equally capable of compassion as we are of hatred.

And as I walk through my life, I regularly witness both sides of humanity .

We are made up of memories, and kept alive by aspirations. But who are we?

I am a student at the University of Michigan, in search of answers to my many curiosities. So instead of boring you with my personal biography, join me on this journey to discover who I am; who we are; why we are.

Accompany me as I dissect my everyday adventures and uncover both the simple and the complex.

Come. Take a walk with me…

1 Comment

  1. goertz2013

    March 28, 2018

    Post a Reply

    This is beautifully written and a visually captivating blog, Rachael, and I like the idea of walking with you through your adventures and questions.

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